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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5 alpha victim View Post
    So English would this be a accurate summery of your recovery story:

    During a 17 month period you stayed on a strict paleo diet while following a solid strong fitness/ work out routine. Towards the end of this 17 month period you started a low dose AI that you are curruntly still taking. Also during this time you added in a couple of small cycles of DHT prohormones that had little to know significance in your recovery. As of this time you are 75-100 percent recovered.

    I know I probable sound like a broken record. Sorry if I do but the more I know about you and Entropy's situations/stories the better position I'm in to start making decisions and possibly provide any input of my own that may be of assistance for you guys as well. After all it's just about me.
    Hi 5, the problem i have with your queries, is that all the info is there on PH on my member story + SHGB questions, it is not correct that i was strictly paleo, and nor was cd or any of the guys i mentioned (mitch, chi, cd and you can add bizzbee333 to that too) I never said i was. I follow a paleo type diet, and the little individual things i have done like the AI at the end are very individual to my needs and my bloods.
    I repeat, to recover, read the recovery thread of CD and then the threads from myself, mitch, chi + bizzbee.
    Don't follow any of them to the letter, because we are all individual, you must apply research, intelligence and common sense to your recovery plan, tailoring it to your individual circumstances. Take some calculated risks where necessary, but always limiting risk where possible.
    The biggest thing is mental recovery, then your body will follow.
    Follow the common denominators in those threads, remember CD is not the only one to have ever recovered, there are fucking loads of people who have. The only reason i followed CD in particular - actually Chi in a similar fashion - is because those guys are very intelligent and measured, disciplined and courageous, and they are very similar to my own personality type, so i could believe in them, respect them etc. and thus follow - to an extent - what they did.

    Finally, nothing beats learning stuff yourself, i researched for near on 12 months 20hrs a week. I now know a ridiculous amount about diet and exercise, hormonal reactions (in this area i will never know as much as jelisej though), mental recovery techniques etc., the power of belief, i read around 15 books covering these topics, and whilst doing so i worked out like a motherfucker, whilst feeling destroyed most of the time, i swam in the sea whilst everyone else was sleeping, and tens of other things. It's all in the threads mentioned.
    Note that i had almost recovered before i ever communicated once with CD.

    What i am trying to say, is that you have to take ownership of your own recovery, yes learn from guys like CD, myself, Mitch, Entropy, Chi, but whilst all of us have done similar things, we have still followed our own paths and done stuff that others haven't.
    Also, recovery takes proper effort, and you and others have asked me questions about my own recovery and cd's that are covered in previous threads, i mean, it appears you and many others on PH hero worship CD, yet i hear queries about whether i and he were 100% paleo or not, yet i remember word for word how he described his diet - it was "paleo type" and he later described eating corn stuff on carb backloading evenings. Now i've not gone back and read that, i read every word of his thread, same for literally 30 odd others across PH and the web, it took me fucking ages, and i had to read many 3 times because i was so mentally fogged up.
    Literally 50 odd guys have asked me queries on all this stuff over the last 17 months and i know CD gets the same. It feels like you all want recovery for free, without learning, without understanding, and without installing belief in yourself.
    Get real, this is an extremely challenging condition to recover from, it tests every fibre of your being due its longevity, and to beat it you simply have to gain an understanding of your mind and body, and that does not come from simply copying another's recovery plan to the letter, because that recovery plan has been tailored to their mind and body, not yours - the big things remain the same, yes, but the detail is individual.
    Hard work + intelligence + courage + grace + consistency + support + time = recovery.
    And in answer to your question, i am 100% recovered, although due to the speed of recovery, my skin is still thickening up, and sensitivity is still returning.
    I hope that helps, and i am always pleased to help, but only with questions not already contained in threads that just need reading properly.

    I will add one last thing, if i took propecia again today and fell tomorrow, i would be recovered once more within 17 months. Bizzbee did exactly that by the way - the silly fucker recovered 100% then took the pill again and fell again to the condition, stupid as that was he got back on the horse, and the last time i was on PH (a long time ago) he was all but recovered for the second time- after, guess what?- following a very similar recovery plan to Chi, Mitch, CD, Myself, Entropy.
    It staggers me that half of the PH crowd spend their time finding reasons why it cannot be recovered from, yet everyone that seriously does what we have done recovers. I spent ages reading stories on PH from guys complaining they hadn't recovered despite doing the CD recovery plan, and a couple of queries later they explained that they binned it after 3 months, or weren't doing one of the cornerstones of the plan or whatever, then they turned into naysayers about how recovery is not possible through a plan.
    These people drive me fucking crazy.
    After this, my conscience is clear, everything, literally everything you and the others on PH need to know is written up.
    Anything not written up, ask me about, i will be very happy to give you my best response, so will CD or Entropy. All of us feel for all of the PH guys, but collectively many guys on there have got into a negative comment spiral, that's why we fucked off, yet we all know there are good guys, bad guys, and middle of the road guys everywhere, including on PH.
    Good luck, but if you have it in you, you will not need it.
    Last edited by English; 04-06-2015 at 05:09 AM.

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