Quote Originally Posted by entropy View Post
Welcome, Swill. I remember you from that other negative forum and you're definitely one of the good guys. Have you tried something like res100/sustain alpha? If you're having an aromatase issue as you suspect then it might make sense to bind something else up to that enzyme. I can't speak for sustain but res100 is pretty great estrogen control. English had some decent results with an AI too.
Thanks Entropy! Do you get stung with big import tax costs when you buy from Super Man over here in the UK? Don't know if it will work out cheaper to have them shipped to my wifes family (which live Stateside) and have it sent on as a 'gift' from there.

I've got some res100 from an old PCT i was doing... I have the full Wicked Supps stack infact. Im not familiar with Sustain Alpha?

Don't want to thread bomb, and will hopefully start a thread looking for advice on my own situation in due course but theres a lot to read and learn from this site first that may answer some of my questions, so don't want to waste peoples time answering stuff thats already covered.