1. Blood (82)
2. Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (15)
3. Kind (77)
4. of July (89)
5. ******* (97)
6. Sense (99)
The answers were all movie titles. The numbers in brackets correspond to the year of release. The number at the start corresponds to an ordinal number in the title of the movie. So "1. Blood (82)" translates to "First Blood" (the Rambo movie), which was released in 1982.

First Blood
Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
(Close Encounters of the) Third Kind
(Born on the) Fourth of July
Fifth *******
Sixth Sense

So the missing title, by a process of deduction, should be a movie, released in 1997, that has "Fifth" something in the title. The correct solution was "Fifth Element" - and so the word represented by asterisks was "Element". "Fifth Element" was also an acceptable answer. Thanks to all who took the time to enter.

A random integer generator was used to select the winners from all correct entries received by the closing date. The winners are:

Each winner gets a free Antaeus Labs product of their choice.

Congratulations to the winners, and thanks again to everyone who took part.