Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
I'm actually liking this run despite it's low dosage at 10mg/day. Strength and endurance are both up from where they should be. I'm walking around fuller, longer after a work out. Basically staying semi-pumped all day. I'm also dropping some fat as well. It took me awhile to tell because I had gotten busy with work and stopped working out for about two months before I decided to do this. I prefer to be in "full workout mode" when I run something because it's easier for me to tell if it's doing anything or not that way. I started running this the exact same time I decided to start working out again. I've been back at it for two and a half weeks now and am definitely noticing the compound.

Thinking of maybe upping the dosage to 15mg/day.
Interesting. No sides? I was having similar positive results until the dizziness, vertigo, and nausea started, I believe that was around week 4. I started the first week at 20 mg/day then went 15 per day after that til I had to stop. Keep us posted if any weird sides start.