Damn, that's kind of surprising. Though I have found R-Andro superior, I think Epi-Andro still has it's place. Epi-Andro seems best as part of a stack, to add a little edge as far as libido, aggression, etc. My experience is R-Andro is potent enough to be viable as a stand alone, to where epi-andro is not so much. Oh well, definitely psyched for the return of a good androsterone product!

Hey Wes on a side note, there isn't a chance Nor-Andro will have the same fate is there? I hope not, I just finished an eight week run of Nor-Andro and absolutely loved it. That was my first time trying it and it was the only DHEA derivative left that I hadn't tried yet. It seems sales of that particular product have been lacking but I think it really is a hidden gem.