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  1. #91
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 entropy's Avatar
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    They ask because they want you to say "no, it's not as good anymore" then they can justify dropping the program when they don't see results after one workout XD. My thoughts any who.
    Cervix stabbing ftw.

  2. #92
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by entropy View Post
    They ask because they want you to say "no, it's not as good anymore" then they can justify dropping the program when they don't see results after one workout XD. My thoughts any who.
    I was just thinking the same thing. My thoughts were maybe these guys that are always asking despite the massive amount of reading material on the subject by not just me, but others, are actually looking for a "way out." They want to ask me if I had symptom "fill in the blank" and then depending on if I did, or didn't, they would make their decision on whether they wanted to make all of these lifestyle and dietary changes.

    Thing is....the answer to the problem is always going to be the same for the most part. You can't go wrong doing what is right for your system. Alot of these guys will recover within 6 months if they're serious. The others, the more serious cases, will take longer, but they will still get there none the less doing the same thing as everyone else. doesn't matter how much it's said by everyone who really amazes me.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  3. #93
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    In your protocol you mention you are healed and you cycle herbs. I wasn't sure as to whether you meant this without the herbs to sustain results. Like I said, I've followed everything to my knowledge, but I'm shit with computers and working the forums so I might have missed some stuff along the way.

    I think I can help you understand why guys still message you..

    you know the dark place it can be when you are in this shit... How lonely you feel? Talking to someone that's been in a similar position helps. Especially one who's beaten it, talking to someone who is as fucked as you helps to a degree but it still doesn't quite have the same effect. It's like a recovering addict talking to someone who's overcome their addiction. It gives you strength. It's the same thing, You aren't a god, you are a normal guy, (don't take it offiensively) but you have to get that people perceive you in that kind of way because you are one of a few that actually beat it and spoke about it. I'm not brown nosing you, don't get me wrong. I don't think it's that people can't be bothered to read what you've already spoken about before, they just want some recognition that everything is going to be okay. I'm not scared to show a bit of fucking weakness, it adds to my strength.

    Whether you like it or not your story gives people a belief that there might be a way out of this eventually. You lived it 5 years, you get my jist.

  4. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by entropy View Post
    They ask because they want you to say "no, it's not as good anymore" then they can justify dropping the program when they don't see results after one workout XD. My thoughts any who.
    Try not to be so fucking ignorant when you know nothing about me?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by entropy View Post
    They ask because they want you to say "no, it's not as good anymore" then they can justify dropping the program when they don't see results after one workout XD. My thoughts any who.
    Try not to be so fucking ignorant when you know nothing about me?

  5. #95
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 entropy's Avatar
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    I know enough about you to know your question about CDs herb cycle is answered multiple times on this forum and the other one. On top of all that fella, I clearly wasn't talking to you... Being one of the guys who actually followed/made the program my own, I think I'm qualified to comment on why people always ask that damned question. Cause the program is daunting and most of them don't have what it takes. Dig deep, follow the program, contribute to the forum and we're totally happy to help... We're just so tired of a fin kids coming here repeating the same old lines.
    Cervix stabbing ftw.

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
    I was just thinking the same thing. My thoughts were maybe these guys that are always asking despite the massive amount of reading material on the subject by not just me, but others, are actually looking for a "way out." They want to ask me if I had symptom "fill in the blank" and then depending on if I did, or didn't, they would make their decision on whether they wanted to make all of these lifestyle and dietary changes.

    Thing is....the answer to the problem is always going to be the same for the most part. You can't go wrong doing what is right for your system. Alot of these guys will recover within 6 months if they're serious. The others, the more serious cases, will take longer, but they will still get there none the less doing the same thing as everyone else. doesn't matter how much it's said by everyone who really amazes me.

    I asked you for your thoughts? That's all. Originally I was mentioning diet and the gluten component to it all?? I don't really appreciate being referred to as one of "these guys". I'm no different to you, I excercise, I've changed my diet most likely more than many. I don't smoke, drink, I live the healthiest lifestyle I possibly can. I find it insulting you stout me with the rest of them who wallow in self pity. I try fucking hard, and I do whatever it takes. I've changed my lifestyle! I get defensive about it because Being told you aren't trying when you know you are is a little insulting.

  7. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by entropy View Post
    I know enough about you to know your question about CDs herb cycle is answered multiple times on this forum and the other one. On top of all that fella, I clearly wasn't talking to you... Being one of the guys who actually followed/made the program my own, I think I'm qualified to comment on why people always ask that damned question. Cause the program is daunting and most of them don't have what it takes. Dig deep, follow the program, contribute to the forum and we're totally happy to help... We're just so tired of a fin kids coming here repeating the same old lines.
    And I appreciate that entirely and I get what you are saying. But I have what it takes, it's not in my nature to give up and fail. Wine and moan. The only person that can change anything about you is yourself. I have and would do anything. I get you are fed up of the same old shit being spouted again too.

    At the end of it, I'm a genuine guy, I'm a nice guy. I'm fucking determined to beat it. I lost my business to this illness, I had my own construction company which I had to give up because I simply couldn't work anymore from everything was going on. I'm going to get it all back, for my daughter, my fiancé and myself.

    I'm shit with computers, that's fair. And I apologised for that, just don't oust me as loser who can't be bothered. That's all I ask. Thanks for the offer for help. I may be back in the future.

  8. #98
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 entropy's Avatar
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    Well then tell us what you do. I can't speak for cd, but I'm happy to offer opinions based on that. As for diet, I've no diagnosed sensitivity but I avoid gluten anyway.

    That last post reminds me of English actually. Very similar.
    Cervix stabbing ftw.

  9. #99
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    I currently do press ups and sit ups every day. I do weights a couple of times a week. I've tried running but it seems to make me crash? I have this excercise intolerance. I'm not sure if it's a pfs symptom or a fatigue thing from something else going on in my body. Maybe the years of inflammation from celiac? That's why I asked cd about whether that was something he noticed.

    I used to be able to run with ease, not anymore, it doesn't make me sleep well? I get insomnia and feel to wired. I get extremely dizzy and the next day sexually I'll be worse.
    However, if I can't face running, I make sure I go on long quick paced walks Everyday. Sounds pathetic I know but that's where I'm at. I just wasn't sure if this sort of fatigue was part of Pfs?

    I know fast intense sprinting etc is recommended. Maybe I should try that instead of longer runs?

  10. #100
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    Oh, and I take b complex, vitamin d3 every morning. Occasionally vitamin c. I take magnesium an hour or two before bed as it helps with sleep. No caffeine or any stimulants including tea. Definitely no alcohol. Seem to have grown intolerant to it? Find it to stimulating strangely.

    Protein for breakfast, usually yog and granola with fruits or eggs/salmon spinach.

    Protein for lunch and dinner always. Either fresh fish or chicken are my favourites. Fruits and raw veg all day every day for snacks. No crisps or processed sugars.

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