I did a water fast for 5 days when I got ill. Wasn't sure if it did much! I then did a juice fast for a week last year but maybe it's time for another. The only thing that put me off doing another one recently was the fact I'm already lean, didn't want to lose any muscle and waste away.. But it would probably do me good to detox.

I seem to have low b12 so going to try and get some shots. Hopefully that can help with energy and some mental sides. I do take it sublingually but I think for people with celiacs you are comprised at absorbing it already.

Confusing thing for me is I appear to be the most alpha guy you could see. My hair is still receding, my body hair is crazy and still turning up everywhere. I don't have shrunken nuts. Never did. My junk is no longer cold, ever! And I don't suffer with hard flaccid. It looks completely normal.

Like you stated in the past, I feel like my problem is neurogical. Some days the brain penis connection is there, most of the time it's not. When I'm mentally there, my dick is there. It's hard to describe. It is like that dead spot in my head. Dopamine agonists revert me to near normal so I think there maybe something dopamine related at play. I get loads of spontaneous erections and a massive flaccid hang n cabergoline.. Then it wears off after a couple of weeks. Another reason for believing it is dopamine related is that I have periods of restless legs. My grandfather has this but it at my age? Maybe I was genetically susceptible to it.

It's also strange, my body can't seem to cope with stress as much. I was doing pretty good, then my partner gave birth to our daughter with a few complications. Few weeks of stress set me back. I get the fatigue and the dizziness, hyperglycaemic feelings after food.
Dht has a calming effect on the nervous system. Maybe saw palmetto did a number in my brain. I'm going to try and do some meditating. Reading articles on this as we speak.

Thanks for taking me seriously. I'm doing this myself, the work has to come from me, but a few gentle nudges in the right direction sometimes helps a lot. I'm going to lay off the heavy excercising and try and get back to a better baseline. The weathers been good today so I've been for a fairly long walk.

But yeah anyway, I'll report back in a few months!