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  1. #101
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lookingforhelp View Post
    I asked you for your thoughts? That's all. Originally I was mentioning diet and the gluten component to it all?? I don't really appreciate being referred to as one of "these guys". I'm no different to you, I excercise, I've changed my diet most likely more than many. I don't smoke, drink, I live the healthiest lifestyle I possibly can. I find it insulting you stout me with the rest of them who wallow in self pity. I try fucking hard, and I do whatever it takes. I've changed my lifestyle! I get defensive about it because Being told you aren't trying when you know you are is a little insulting.
    Fair enough.....

    I think you need to go slower with exerting yourself if those are your symptoms. You can and WILL make yourself worse if you go to fast and are suffering from adrenal burnout. Been there, done that.

    Have you cleansed? If this is what you're dealing with, you need to take a couple steps back before you can go forward. You're not quite there yet at the point where you can be sprinting and lifting heavy. If you haven't cleansed I'd suggest a juice feast for a few weeks. You need to hit the reset button and FLOOD yours system with that goodness.

    Afterwords, when you've started eating....cleanly.....go for loooong walks. Everyday. Add in calisthenics until you can build up to a decent amount of push ups, pulls ups, body weight squats, etc. Do each exercise on a different day and then take a day off, except for the walking...continue to do that, daily. Once you get to the point where you feel you don't need the day off, continue to do calisthenics every day. After about two months of DAILY calisthenics, you can progress to weights.

    GO SLOW. Monitor how you feel after each work out. Heed what your system is telling'll know when you can force the issue or not. Do this, and if you do this, just as I'm telling you, then come back here in three months and tell us of your progress.

    We can go from there. Good luck.

    Btw....once you're refed and working out for almost a month, you need to start herb cycling. They help build up your system, which you desperately need to do.
    Last edited by Cdsnuts; 03-06-2016 at 10:18 AM.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  2. #102
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    I did a water fast for 5 days when I got ill. Wasn't sure if it did much! I then did a juice fast for a week last year but maybe it's time for another. The only thing that put me off doing another one recently was the fact I'm already lean, didn't want to lose any muscle and waste away.. But it would probably do me good to detox.

    I seem to have low b12 so going to try and get some shots. Hopefully that can help with energy and some mental sides. I do take it sublingually but I think for people with celiacs you are comprised at absorbing it already.

    Confusing thing for me is I appear to be the most alpha guy you could see. My hair is still receding, my body hair is crazy and still turning up everywhere. I don't have shrunken nuts. Never did. My junk is no longer cold, ever! And I don't suffer with hard flaccid. It looks completely normal.

    Like you stated in the past, I feel like my problem is neurogical. Some days the brain penis connection is there, most of the time it's not. When I'm mentally there, my dick is there. It's hard to describe. It is like that dead spot in my head. Dopamine agonists revert me to near normal so I think there maybe something dopamine related at play. I get loads of spontaneous erections and a massive flaccid hang n cabergoline.. Then it wears off after a couple of weeks. Another reason for believing it is dopamine related is that I have periods of restless legs. My grandfather has this but it at my age? Maybe I was genetically susceptible to it.

    It's also strange, my body can't seem to cope with stress as much. I was doing pretty good, then my partner gave birth to our daughter with a few complications. Few weeks of stress set me back. I get the fatigue and the dizziness, hyperglycaemic feelings after food.
    Dht has a calming effect on the nervous system. Maybe saw palmetto did a number in my brain. I'm going to try and do some meditating. Reading articles on this as we speak.

    Thanks for taking me seriously. I'm doing this myself, the work has to come from me, but a few gentle nudges in the right direction sometimes helps a lot. I'm going to lay off the heavy excercising and try and get back to a better baseline. The weathers been good today so I've been for a fairly long walk.

    But yeah anyway, I'll report back in a few months!

  3. #103
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 entropy's Avatar
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    Diet? When I hear healthy from 90% of people I hear low fat and those saturated animal fats especially are - crucial- for getting better from this. You need a big 'ol supply of cholesterol for optimal hormonal production. How's your sleep/rest? You need as much rest as you can physically get outside of the working out, don't push yourself etc. Stop with daily pushups and sit ups etc and focus more on heavy compound stuff 3x per week. Short sessions. 5x5 style worked best for me but you mileage may vary.
    Cervix stabbing ftw.

  4. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lookingforhelp View Post
    I asked you for your thoughts? That's all. Originally I was mentioning diet and the gluten component to it all?? I don't really appreciate being referred to as one of "these guys". I'm no different to you, I excercise, I've changed my diet most likely more than many. I don't smoke, drink, I live the healthiest lifestyle I possibly can. I find it insulting you stout me with the rest of them who wallow in self pity. I try fucking hard, and I do whatever it takes. I've changed my lifestyle! I get defensive about it because Being told you aren't trying when you know you are is a little insulting.
    Personally i think you sound a good guy and you got a hard time that you didn't deserve, it's a very hard place you are coming from and you got some stick mainly because so many others are total pricks. I think there's nothing wrong with not retaining everything after reading a thousand posts from someone, and i think it is understable to want to speak with the person themselves after reading so much. Fact is you don't need to though, and you should also look at others who have recovered to spot the common denominators.
    Last edited by English; 03-11-2016 at 06:34 AM.

  5. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lookingforhelp View Post
    I currently do press ups and sit ups every day. I do weights a couple of times a week. I've tried running but it seems to make me crash? I have this excercise intolerance. I'm not sure if it's a pfs symptom or a fatigue thing from something else going on in my body. Maybe the years of inflammation from celiac? That's why I asked cd about whether that was something he noticed.

    I used to be able to run with ease, not anymore, it doesn't make me sleep well? I get insomnia and feel to wired. I get extremely dizzy and the next day sexually I'll be worse.
    However, if I can't face running, I make sure I go on long quick paced walks Everyday. Sounds pathetic I know but that's where I'm at. I just wasn't sure if this sort of fatigue was part of Pfs?

    I know fast intense sprinting etc is recommended. Maybe I should try that instead of longer runs?
    I had all these problems with exercise, i ignored all the symptoms and saw it as a challenge to do it while dizzy etc. Plymetrics, calisthetic type exercises, never worry about your bodies response regards dizzy and fatigue as long as it is just that, and not total burn out, and you can learn to spot the difference. Obvioulsy i don't mean exercise until you drop, i just mean do sprints / interval training on a bike up hills, that kind of thing, weights, calishenic and plymetric exercises, as much power as you can for short bursts of 20 to 30 minutes. It won't kill you despite every fibre of you feeling like giving up, just push through. Take citrulline malate which helps with performance and fatigue along with the herb rotation, take spirulina, chlorella daily. Ignore totally your dick and sexual health for weeks at a time, just concentrate on full body health, and revel in a massively healthy lifestyle, most of all get your mind and thoughts in order, once you have all the information, fuck off from forums and live and think like healthy guys do, except in this super healthy way. Things come back fairly quickly once you think normally again combined with the regimen. Ignore the dizziness, ignore the fatigue, laugh about it, liberate yourself from it and don't keep trying to work out what it is, just move your thoughts to other normal stuff.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Lookingforhelp View Post
    I currently do press ups and sit ups every day. I do weights a couple of times a week. I've tried running but it seems to make me crash? I have this excercise intolerance. I'm not sure if it's a pfs symptom or a fatigue thing from something else going on in my body. Maybe the years of inflammation from celiac? That's why I asked cd about whether that was something he noticed.

    I used to be able to run with ease, not anymore, it doesn't make me sleep well? I get insomnia and feel to wired. I get extremely dizzy and the next day sexually I'll be worse.
    However, if I can't face running, I make sure I go on long quick paced walks Everyday. Sounds pathetic I know but that's where I'm at. I just wasn't sure if this sort of fatigue was part of Pfs?

    I know fast intense sprinting etc is recommended. Maybe I should try that instead of longer runs?
    read my post on sleeping in the general section on ss, it will help you enormously
    Last edited by English; 03-11-2016 at 10:14 AM.

  6. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lookingforhelp View Post
    Oh, and I take b complex, vitamin d3 every morning. Occasionally vitamin c. I take magnesium an hour or two before bed as it helps with sleep. No caffeine or any stimulants including tea. Definitely no alcohol. Seem to have grown intolerant to it? Find it to stimulating strangely.

    Protein for breakfast, usually yog and granola with fruits or eggs/salmon spinach.

    Protein for lunch and dinner always. Either fresh fish or chicken are my favourites. Fruits and raw veg all day every day for snacks. No crisps or processed sugars.
    IMO you shouldn't need to take vit c if you eat fruit and veg all day, and doesn't granola have a load of sugar in it? Salmon is usually very estrogenic after being pumped full of crap in salmon farms unless you pay alot for them. Don't eat them or anything out of tins either as full of BPA. Get an organic delivery company to deliver proper food to your door if possible, including grass fed beef etc.
    Why take protein when you are already eating a shit load of protein? Many people react badly to excess protein supplementation so why take that risk when you are eating plenty and not even able to exercise fully anyhow? You should put every decision through a logic gate. Why are you doing this? Can this damage? Bottom line is if you cut out sugar and gluten, and eat as organic as possible plus eat spirulina, chlorella + herbs including pine pollen (as per cd's post), your body will have everything it needs. Keeping it simple cuts out worry and a sense that your ill.
    Last edited by English; 03-11-2016 at 10:16 AM.

  7. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
    Fair enough.....

    I think you need to go slower with exerting yourself if those are your symptoms. You can and WILL make yourself worse if you go to fast and are suffering from adrenal burnout. Been there, done that.

    Have you cleansed? If this is what you're dealing with, you need to take a couple steps back before you can go forward. You're not quite there yet at the point where you can be sprinting and lifting heavy. If you haven't cleansed I'd suggest a juice feast for a few weeks. You need to hit the reset button and FLOOD yours system with that goodness.

    Afterwords, when you've started eating....cleanly.....go for loooong walks. Everyday. Add in calisthenics until you can build up to a decent amount of push ups, pulls ups, body weight squats, etc. Do each exercise on a different day and then take a day off, except for the walking...continue to do that, daily. Once you get to the point where you feel you don't need the day off, continue to do calisthenics every day. After about two months of DAILY calisthenics, you can progress to weights.

    GO SLOW. Monitor how you feel after each work out. Heed what your system is telling'll know when you can force the issue or not. Do this, and if you do this, just as I'm telling you, then come back here in three months and tell us of your progress.

    We can go from there. Good luck.

    Btw....once you're refed and working out for almost a month, you need to start herb cycling. They help build up your system, which you desperately need to do.
    LOL, i suggested you push through, CD suggests otherwise!! I guess CD's advice is logical and probably the more sensible approach, just telling you what i did earlier that worked for me after mirroring your issues. Please note that i had lots of bloods showing that thyroid etc. was in good shape. If it wasn't, i wouldn't have pushed through...

  8. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lookingforhelp View Post
    I did a water fast for 5 days when I got ill. Wasn't sure if it did much! I then did a juice fast for a week last year but maybe it's time for another. The only thing that put me off doing another one recently was the fact I'm already lean, didn't want to lose any muscle and waste away.. But it would probably do me good to detox.

    I seem to have low b12 so going to try and get some shots. Hopefully that can help with energy and some mental sides. I do take it sublingually but I think for people with celiacs you are comprised at absorbing it already.

    Confusing thing for me is I appear to be the most alpha guy you could see. My hair is still receding, my body hair is crazy and still turning up everywhere. I don't have shrunken nuts. Never did. My junk is no longer cold, ever! And I don't suffer with hard flaccid. It looks completely normal.

    Like you stated in the past, I feel like my problem is neurogical. Some days the brain penis connection is there, most of the time it's not. When I'm mentally there, my dick is there. It's hard to describe. It is like that dead spot in my head. Dopamine agonists revert me to near normal so I think there maybe something dopamine related at play. I get loads of spontaneous erections and a massive flaccid hang n cabergoline.. Then it wears off after a couple of weeks. Another reason for believing it is dopamine related is that I have periods of restless legs. My grandfather has this but it at my age? Maybe I was genetically susceptible to it.

    It's also strange, my body can't seem to cope with stress as much. I was doing pretty good, then my partner gave birth to our daughter with a few complications. Few weeks of stress set me back. I get the fatigue and the dizziness, hyperglycaemic feelings after food.
    Dht has a calming effect on the nervous system. Maybe saw palmetto did a number in my brain. I'm going to try and do some meditating. Reading articles on this as we speak.

    Thanks for taking me seriously. I'm doing this myself, the work has to come from me, but a few gentle nudges in the right direction sometimes helps a lot. I'm going to lay off the heavy excercising and try and get back to a better baseline. The weathers been good today so I've been for a fairly long walk.

    But yeah anyway, I'll report back in a few months!
    I don't think i ever told anyone my symptoms as i wasn't interested in that mindset, but actually the description of yours on this thread is the closest to how i was that i have read. I even suffer from restless leg syndrome, have all my life. Magnesium helps with this i think (glyncinate version). I totally agree that the brain/dick connection via dopamine receptors is to blame. Read about porn addiction in students and the symptoms mimick yours. Then consider that stress hormones affect the same pleasure receptor areas of the brain. Pain and pleasure pretty much gives the same response. Therefore it's logical that high stress over long periods would result in the same addiction mechanism as porn addiction in otherwise healthy guys. To recover takes many months of thinking normal boring thoughts to settle it all down again. Yes saw palmetto or fin causes the initial symtoms, but when guys lose dick function they shit themselves, read bad things and i think this causes issues the pleasure receptor or dopamine type chemical response that is factually necessary for libido and erections. My theory on it anyhow, but at the end of the day who gives a shit? People recover by doing as discussed, so get on and do it.
    Last edited by English; 03-11-2016 at 10:22 AM.

  9. #109
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    Looking for help: Please note that i'm off for a couple of months now as i tend to have these breaks from forums for all sorts of reasons. I mainly just get bored and then look forward to coming back on after a while - call it cycling of SS!!
    Just saying not to bother questioning me. Ultimately you have to devise your own plan based on what has worked for others, then adjusted for your own issues (everyone has them!!) But my advice to you is that above all your brain needs certainty and belief, so devise a plan based on all your readings, be sure it is both logical and not damaging, then fuck off and live life like there is nothing wrong with you while living like a healthy mf. It doesn't matter if you do something that is ever so slightly wrong, so don't worrry about any of it too much, just build a plan, fuck off and follow it and stop thinking about all this shit, that is the only way you will normalise. During my research phase, i noted that one common denominator of recovery stories tended to be that the guys took very long breaks from talking and reading about all this shit. It's an addiction you have to break, chief amoung them is thinking about all this shit!!! Good luck. Off for a couple of months.

  10. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by entropy View Post
    Diet? When I hear healthy from 90% of people I hear low fat and those saturated animal fats especially are - crucial- for getting better from this. You need a big 'ol supply of cholesterol for optimal hormonal production. How's your sleep/rest? You need as much rest as you can physically get outside of the working out, don't push yourself etc. Stop with daily pushups and sit ups etc and focus more on heavy compound stuff 3x per week. Short sessions. 5x5 style worked best for me but you mileage may vary.
    The one thing i will add to this is that calisthenic movements have been demonstrated time and again to provoke higher returns of T. Add plymetrics to calisthenic type exercises and you can't beat that for raising T. (my own T was over 900 in last bloods) so IMO i would stick with press ups, but make them plymetric by making them jump press ups, and i would cycle your exercises too to keep shocking your body by waking up different muscle groups. So do press ups for 3 weeks allied with tricep dips to balance your front and back, and the next 3 weeks do pull ups over hand and underhand sets. Do leg sprints/jumps etc. every 2 or 3 days and as long as all these exercises are done in an explosive way you will raise your T. But as per all my other posts, your mind must be in the right place while you're doing all this stuff. Nothing wrong with 5x5, but calisthenic and plymetrics are better for raising T. Even better, do these exercises outside. You should try and do 3 sets of each exercise, and just even out the reps you can manage amongst the 3 sets.
    If you really want to add interest to your pull ups, try and make them pullovers which is v hard. I keep trying to master them myself and have managed to do a couple but my wrists aren't quite strong enough!! I literally get to where i can almost do them, then i'm at the end of the cycle and have to move to another exercise.
    IMO cycling exercises and thus muscle groups is v important for T response.
    Last edited by English; 03-11-2016 at 10:28 AM.

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