Haven't updated this in quite a while. I'll get some pictures up soon. I know people disagreed with my choice of cycling. Fully recovered back to normal, except for a lack of sensitivity in the member, but I more so think that's the current girl since I never had an issue with others.

Current lifts at 223lbs

495 Back squat beltless wrapless
615 Dead beltless double overhand sumo
365 Bench

I'm looking to get my dead up to 635 in the next few months. Any suggestions? I'm doing a variation of squat every day right now. I like to call it deadlift and squat every day Focusing in on squats in the 8-10 rep range and deadlifts in the 4-6 rep range. Strange is skyrocketing. Packing on a bit too much bf% but I recently started adding cardio.