Quote Originally Posted by DrivenToRecover View Post
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all your posts. I think the biggest thing I take away from seeing your success is that we aren't powerless to this thing.

When I first crashed a few months back I can remember reading things like "Incurable", "permanent", and "no doctor understands" that in retrospect had me freaking out way more than I should have.

It has really given me peace of mind to see you and others that have really taken to CD's protocol consistently have results. I like knowing success is up to me, and I'm not just along for the ride where ever this thing takes me.
Those same thoughts and words fucked me over too. I thought I'd live the rest of my life a broken man because of a mistake I made. Depressing shit.

That's no longer the case now. Keep busting your ass and you'll get there too. Like anything else in life, if you want it bad enough to get it, you can have it.

Never stop, keep grinding until you're there.

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