Quote Originally Posted by t14 View Post
sleep has been really fragmented and unrestful lately

not sure how long im going to keep the fast going, tomorrow will be the 2 week mark
Again FYI, this is to be expected... I went on a medically supervised fast to the same facility as CD and it was one of the first things they told me... you have a lot more internal energy as you are not expending the great deal of energy you normally do digesting food, in spite of the fact I imagine at this point walking 100 meters probably tires you out physically. This internal energy messes with your sleep.

I remember waking up suddenly without any drowsiness and feeling like i'd had 9 hours sleep at like 4am in the morning after 5 hours sleep. The advice I was given by the medical guys is to just roll with it and let your body do what its telling you to. If you need to sleep at midday, go for it. If its getting you up in the middle of the night, then just get up. Just wanted to let you know this is all part of the process.

Are you feeling better now you started consistently taking water in? Well done on making it 14 days too, excellent stuff. Next educate yourself on the process for the gradual re-introduction of food and take it slow over the next couple of weeks and be patient. I know you will likely want to sprint forward with the protocol but show the same discipline you have to get this done as its a vital stage.

And for reference if you are stressing out about how you look right now, I finished my fast down at 140 lbs (I'm 6ft tall) and was weak as a kitten, and my avatar picture was taken about 3 and a half months later. Your body will be primed for all the good stuff you are going to do to it with the protocol in the coming weeks and months, so know it will all work out well. Just keep on keeping on.