Quote Originally Posted by userpff View Post
I dont think I am going raw. I just try to figure out the best diet for me. I got rid of the anxiety surges that I had, by eating no more meat. I know its advised to eat paleo but it triggers anxiety in me. so now im eating basically vegan with oats as staple. Im now searching for other things to add to my diet. think ill go with lots of green leafy vegetables instead of only fruit
Your problem there is that leafy green veggies don't have enough calories to sustain you, there fore you're going to have to turn to starchy veggies, beans and grains for the bulk of your calories. These things can be problematic. One pound of spring mix isn't even 100 calories. It's doubtful you'd be able to eat enough of it to be satiated.

Have you tried grass fed organic meats? You're probably having a reaction to the hormones and antibiotics in the conventionally raised meats NOT to the meats themselves. After-all, it's in your genetic make up to eat animals....it's what we evolved on over millions of years to do. Grains.....not so much.

You want to mimic the diet of your ancestors here. You want to get as close to nature with as natural a diet as possible. The Paleo or Primal diet does this. You want your cells and DNA to be happy and fed correctly.

A vegan diet also doesn't bode well for proper male hormone levels. So many vegans I know have low testosterone and other issues.

Again....no need to reinvent the wheel here. All of these things have been thought out and tested over many, many years and there is a reason why they are recommended.

If you're in bad shape and are looking to recover (I imagine that's the case if you're here) then you need to be doing EVERYTHING you possibly can that works in your favor. A vegan diet isn't one of them.