Quote Originally Posted by DrivenToRecover View Post
He shoe wu only as it comes in the rotation.

I do realize different colors in a beard are common, but its crazy how quickly mine has changed.

On another note, I've recently ended my juice feast.

Is it typical for green juice to go in & come out looking the same? Within an hour or two? Lol. I felt like my digestion was in a state where the green juices just went straight through me.

Also, i've been re-feeding with a compressed eating window because of all the benefits I've read about. It helps me a ton. I've gone from a 12 hour window to an 8 hour.
It could be from the juice feast actually. When the body is clean it can express it's DNA more acurately. You're also flooding your system with more minerals, vitamins and phyto -chemicals then any other time in your life. That can have an effect on hair, teeth, nails and bones.

How long did you go? How much juice were you drinking per day?

Yes and no. If I remember correctly, you also have issues with your gut, correct? Regardless, most people will get the roto rooter effect in the beginning because of the extreme cleansing nature of the feast. But when you go long enough, this stops and your body starts to really absorb EVERYTHING, to the point where elimination slows don't to a crawl. You won't be shooting liquid out your backside the whole time. When you're drinking nothing but fluids, there are no solids to eliminate anymore. This is why juice feasts longer then three weeks should be accompanied by enemas every other day.

Was it just the green juices that blasted out the other end or all of them?

The compressed eating window is beneficial.