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  1. #11
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 K8668B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
    When you say water fasting isn't a problem for you, what do you mean? I always suggest doing this at a clinic, but that's going to cost money and time. Water fasting is an intense experience and if you've never done one before it is always a good idea to be in an environment that supports such an endevour. And environment with doctors who are familiar with the process. You're going to want to do AT LEAST seven days. This is easier said then done, especially at home.

    Your diet doesn't look that bad, but your sandwiches should be on gluten free bread. If you haven't already, you have to cut out ALL dietary allergens. You also need to add more greens and vegetables. One or two green smoothies a day would suffice in this regards.

    Prohormones are not necessary but they certainly speed up the time line of recovery. It's going to effect your hair, so you need to decide how you want to proceed here. Once guys get hit with PFS, they usually stop caring about their hair and just want more then anything to be healthy and functional again.

    The timeline of recovery is different for everyone depending on how bad of a state they are currently in. I've had some guys get almost healed in six months, and then others take more time. The other variable here is how strictly they stick to the protocol. If you're in 100% you're going to get there quicker then if you only go at it 75%.

    I get that you've lost years of your life....I would say that I've lost about ten years from the time I started propecia to the time I finally considered myself recovered.

    Put it this way....if you do nothing, you're going to continue to lose more time being in that hellish state. The sooner you give it your all, the sooner you're going to be living life to the fullest again. You can't do anything about the time you've already lost, but you can do something to stop losing time to PFS. It doesn't matter how long it takes because you don't have any other options! When you go at it full bore you can rest assured knowing that you're doing everything in your power to get well and STOP WASTING your life. Whether this takes six months or two years, it doesn't matter because if you were doing nothing about it you wouldn't be getting anywhere closer to your goal.

    On whether or not you can enjoy your life while doing the regimen.....are you enjoying your life now?

    You are the only one who can make happiness in your life. The answer to this question is up to you. I don't see why you can't chase women while doing the recovery protocol. Again this is your call. You can chase women now but you really can't do much with them because of this problem. At least while you're healing you're going to be getting closer to eliminating these problems from your life.

    Your number one goal right now is to HEAL. You need to do whatever is necessary to achieve that goal. Would you rather continue to live a half assed or "fake" life for the next five or ten years or take the next year off and then be able to chase women SUCCESSFULLY for the rest of your life?

    The answer is clear to most guys that have made up their minds to get well.

    The way you're asking these question is coming across as if you're actually enjoying your life now. If that was the case there would be no need for all of this work. Right?

    Tell me this...what is it about this endevour that makes you think you won't be enjoying your life? Your answer will shed alot of light on your current mindset.

    About the water testing centers-

    When i DO goto one of these places, should i mention PFS? Or will they just think I am crazy and retarded?
    Last edited by K8668B; 02-26-2017 at 03:09 AM.

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