Quote Originally Posted by Aflac View Post
“I believe this is directly related to allopregnenolone levels. I would just never get that comfortable drowsy drug like feeling that washes over normal people when they get tired. I was either awake or in a semi state of unrefreshing sleep.
It was such a relief the first time I finally got that tired comfortable drowsy feeling. A big smile came across my face because I knew I was going to finally start getting some good sleep.”
THIS is absent for me as well. I feel like my whole life is on hold just waiting for that moment I get the drowsy feeling back / actually feel the pressure and need to sleep. Obviously I don’t actually know if things would all click into place if that feeling came back, but that’s how I like to imagine it.

-This moment of the comfortable drowsy feeling, how long after you crashed was it until you got that moment?
-How long into your protocol were you when that moment occurred?

Sorry to be focusing on timelines, but if you could know how much I dream (day dream of course) of the day when I get that sleepy feeling back and the deep sleep that would hopefully follow it. It’s been 11 months missing it.

Also, the allopreg theory is interesting. I want to try it. Did you try 5-alpha DHP? Would you consider that safer than pharma drugs? I’ve avoided all the drugs doctors like to offer when people mention severe sleep problems. I know the 5-alpha DHP isn’t a pharma drug, but it makes me pause. I know I read somewhere that you used allopreg directly in another product. It almost seems too easy for that to be the solution for the lack of sleep pressure, but I do wonder.
The only thing here I can tell you is that I remember getting it for the first time in years after my first water fast. It stayed around for the most part after that.