thanx for the reply mu family wants me to c a shrink my endocrinologist hit me in the head with his pen and kicked me out saying how can i have sides with high dht high testosterone higer than range acne in my back is killing me oily skin oily hair my urologist is considered about my dht fearing i may develop a enlarged prostate in the future
my problem is i am not convinced that my sides are psychologic or my mind make me think i got sides and i am not convinced about how can a protocol have a starving period will help me ? i will probably turn into a skeleton or die really most ppl eat food and enjoying it i eat food to live actually I stopped feeling hungry or eat for fun or what normal ppl do since i made a commitment to the gym I spent an year with out eating a single carb that was when i was 17 years old i ended up with a ripped but skinny body and build my self from there
all i want is a cure for ed is peins transplant or implants or bionc is a cure should i start saving money for them?