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  1. #4
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Mal View Post
    No offense taken, CD. You're right to ask. I did a 5 day water cleanse in November and do intermittent juice feasting days. Unfortunately, my diet hasn't been perfect. I work in the entertainment industry, so sometimes I have to have a cheat meal for work, but I'm cutting down on them substantially after having some pizza left me feeling out of sorts. I now aim to completely cut out gluten and sugar. I have also stayed completely away from alcohol.

    My thread breaking down my situation is here, but here's what I'm currently cycling:

    Tongkat Ali
    Maca + DOPA Mucuna
    Horny Goat Weed
    5A-DHP (every three days)

    Pine Pollen (2 Tablespoons daily)
    Shilajit (daily)

    I did cycle Ashwagandha, but I wasn't responding well to them so I got Ant Extract, Royal Jelly, and Cistanche which should be arriving in the next few days. I also lift regularly, do HIIT twice a week, and take cold showers. a few things:

    You gotta get off the Wellbutrin, first and foremost. This chemical isn't going to let your brain heal the way it needs to. It's also going to cause downstream effects that aren't going to help you. It's also going to stop the herbs from working their total magic. No pharms...

    Definitely stop the gluten. You can still eat shitty out with clients without glutening yourself. Gluten can be responsible for so many negative mental aspects that it's alarming to say the least. Depression, anxiety and lethargy to name just a small few. I know people that have stopped gluten that said it was almost like a blanket came off of their head. It's also responsible for intestinal issues that tie back into brain health. You gotta get that out of your diet. Most people underestimate just how powerful a substance it is. For most, it's like night and day when the cut it out.

    Blatent sugar intake isn't the best, but no where near as damaging as the gluten. You should still avoid it though. The only sugar you should be getting is natural sugars from fruits and veggies.

    Another thing that I want to point out here is in regards to the wellbutrin use WHILE taking shilijat. Shilijat is known to increase the effectiveness of ANY other substance you take with it. Pharmaceuticals included. This is most definitely not a good thing in regards to antidepressants. You could be inadvertently making this drugs effect on your system stronger then it would be without it.

    So that's what I see right off the bat.

    Don't get to paranoid about it....

    How much longer until you can come off of that?
    Last edited by Cdsnuts; 03-29-2017 at 06:40 PM.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

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