Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
I'm still at a loss for how vitamin D can cause a bacterial infection? I've never heard that before, ever. Are you sure it was a UTI? And if the vitamin D was giving you a UTI, then who knows how other things are going to effect you.

In regards to your question, as I always say piece mealing these things isn't really the right way to go about it. You have to take a holistic approach to fix your WHOLE system, and then everything falls into place in the right order.

Maybe someone else can better answer your question if this is the route you want to take.
Hmm, I understand what you are saying and it indeed is correct. I only asked these questions since I am such a weird case with such high high LH levels and grape sized testicles.

I already have the the herbs on deck and will fly home in a week where I will start the juice feast for a month. Hopefully, that sets things on course.

Also brother, is the juice feast and avoiding gluten enough to set my gut straight because I seriously think that has a reason to do with my condition. For example I get no buzz from the pine ollen tincture like so many report.
I have bought a probiotic and will use it once i refeed after the feast. Anything else I should know?