Hey guys what's up

I'm doing well, but I would like to ask something. Do you guys feel that coffee/tea makes your worse? Because in my case, any kind of stimulant makes me feel worse, sometimes way worse. Alcohol, coffee, tea, which is hard because I really like all three, I already stopped alcohol but now I think I should coffee and tea too.

I think all three will act on estrogen or cortisol (thus estrogen too).
I was feeling like 30-35% recovered, hanging out with girls, starting to enjoy my life again, doing some exercises and feeling pumped, energy through the day and night etc, penis normal size, almost waking up with morning wood everyday (I was waking up with wood once a week), waking up refreshed and ready to go.

Right now I'm waking up a bit tired, lost some muscle and penis is a bit shrunk (not that bad, it's really a little bit and just when I wake up) gyno increased a little tiny bit too (almost unnoticeable), still have energy through the day but I'm avoiding hanging out with girls now because I'm not that confident anymore. I would say now I'm 25-30%.

One more thing. I also noticed that I can't masturbate/have sex/or even ejaculate when I sleep when I'm still 2 weeks after the herbs. I mean, masturbate is the worse, sex is so so and nocturnal ejaculation is almost ok, if one of the three happens during these 2 weeks I get worse. Is it because my body is in a state that testosterone and estrogen are high and then when I ejaculate, prolactin will increase and will put more fire on estrogen and this will decrease my T level a little bit? I feel that when my ratio T:E is better I can handle everything much better, I mean orgasm is not as bad as coffee that is not as bad as alcohol, so maybe what I need is a better ratio so I can have more sex and then a better ratio so I can drink coffee again and then a better ratio so I can drink alcohol again (I mean this last one will be when my ratio becomes normal again)

Sorry for the long message.