I was going to create a sticky, but im not sure if i have to be a moderator, or if i have permission to even post a thread in that section. So forgive me for posting it here. I simply didn't know what to do. But do not forgive me for what im going to say. Im not sorry for saying it either. I'm just feeling good as hell at the moment, and i wanted to get this out before i forgot.

Despite a person having PFS, it is my personal goal, to not only conquer PFS, but also be "better" than the "normal" guy, who never had PFS. I believe we all deserve it! It doesn't matter where you're starting from... it doesnt matter if you have PFS. I don't care how long you've had PFS for... whether its 2 weeks, a decade, or two decades. I believe a PFS sufferer should not only overcome PFS, but then even go as far to being twice as powerful and high on life, than the "normal" person who never had PFS.

It's your time to shine.