Quote Originally Posted by Ridd View Post
Definitely agree with the weakest part thing.

It's funny you mention the good nights sleep after talking with someone telling you it isn't permenant. I've experienced the exact same thing. Some of the only thing to get me through crashes is talking with close ones.

Im not denying a very real physical/physiological connection here, but I'm saying that the only real way to fix ourselves ultimately comes down to mental health just as importantly as physical, they both rely on each other to be in balance.

most men (according to studies and in most of our experiences) have mental health issues here, and we have to fix this anxiety and depression COMPLETELY to recover.
While I definitely think mindset and mental state has a lot to do with it, I don't believe you can recover entirely by doing mindset alone, or be inhibited from recovery based on mental state. While I'm a pretty positive, forward thinking person, I still suffer from PTSD and I'm a little fucked in the head if I'm being honest. I still recovered with or without my mental health being 100%. Just food for thought.