Quote Originally Posted by bizzbee View Post
Ok, so he may have played around with MACA. But this was not a cyclic or regular type of usage, just some experimentation. And that may or may not have contributed to his recovery, perhaps it did. I can tell you that MACA was helpful for me in the early stages. However, if you read his posts carefully on propeciahelp you will see that he himself urges others to forgo things like herbs and hormones, to include even supplemental vitamins. I can pull that excerpt out and paste it right here so you can see with your own eyes. You have missed the point I was trying to make, entirely. I am not dismissing herbs as supplements for recovery. In fact, I have benefited from them quite a bit and will continue to use certain herbs that I feel are helpful. The point is that people have recovered using anywhere from just a one or two herbs to several, and I can even recall some that used none and just had time on their side. There is no magic number. It may be a case-by-case basis, it depends on the individual's severity. You have to experiment on yourself in order to determine which herbs or supplements are helpful and which are not and then use them accordingly (rotations, etc...) This is not disinformation, it's good advice. I will not be goaded into taking 21 herbs just because someone else thinks this is the only and proper way to recover. I will listen to my own body and make my own determinations. Thank you.

Update: Day 4 on Androhard (200-300mgs)
Very slight, dull headache. Feel less tired. Body looks more lean, less bloat. Some weight loss. Sleep more refreshing.
Goaded? lol.

I don't think anyone is goading you into doing anything. Perhaps just trying to help you.

Sure, you don't have to take any herbs if you choose. Or do cold showers, or eat well, or.....anything. But all of these things will do nothing but aid in healing. The bottom line is this.....rotating all of those herbs will heal you faster then you would had you not taken anything.

Science, plain and simple.