Quote Originally Posted by Atticas View Post
Let's not forget placebo effect is a real thing to take into consideration as well here CDN.

The fact that DriventoRecover has had such an emotionally damaging experience with Finasteride in the past very well could make him believe that even just touching the stuff could have ill effect on him again, and if he believes it hard enough, he could very well make it come true with just his mind alone.

DrivenToRecover, for what it's worth, most of us here would tend to believe that Finasteride can really only effect you once taken into your system orally, so right now, you're probably just worrying yourself to death which really isn't going to help your situation and you are probably therefore creating a bigger problem for yourself in your mind. I think had you just touched the stuff and moved on, you'd be fine right now, so try and just not think about it, treat it like it was nothing, and move on friend You're still on your way to recovery
Thanks bud. I was hoping to hear I'm a dumb fuck for worrying lol

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