Quote Originally Posted by jimmyjonas View Post
Yes that’s the one I read, exactly, determined to convince himself he’s permanently screwed, how fucked up is that, a deeply troubled dude, I was taken aback by the level of his attack in thread above, he’s harboring a lot of resentment, one thing he continuously mentions is cds failure to reference the Foundation, so basically sit on our hands and wait for studies that in the past few years have shown............well nothing really, well ones that don’t fit the permanence narrative, that’s great isn’t it, just complain everyday for years without doing anything to improve your life, that’s a real solid healthy approach.

I do think there’s more to above judging by the ferocity of his rant, I think they know the game is up and are losing control as other sites gain more popularity, it’s classic lashing out because one is threatened and want to smear to put people off.
I don't get it though. Who really cares about forums and power and all that? Don't people just want to get better? Isn't that meant to be the end game?

I for one could not care less which forum was good, bad, indifferent or powerful, not powerful etc. as long as I got better.

The biggest thing that I've learnt out of pfs is to only concern myself with things that matter. The fact that they are worried about things like that shows that they won't even get one positive from having such an awful condition.