Quote Originally Posted by Damn View Post
Logen, Per my response to your previous post, if I were you I would: 1) Follow the protocol purely for the purposes of improving your masculine health (all men should do this IMO). 2) Other than that, just go about your life like you were before you ever heard about Finasteride & PFS. It is as simple as that. Stop thinking about it, stop looking for symptoms, stop checking to see if you can still get a hard on, stay away from forums (including even this one for now), stop Googling PFS, etc.. Most guy's sides fade after a few weeks. You are much, much more likely to be fine than not. Worrying about it can only serve to turn the scales in the other direction. If you follow that advice, this can likely be a very short thread.
Good advice here.

Even if you thought you were fine before, or living healthfully, there are still things you can learn from this. Even if it's something as simple as removing xenoestrogens from your life. Little things like this will go a long way in keeping your masculinity.