Quote Originally Posted by mike26 View Post
Hey All,

I have started the protocol by Juice Feasting as the protocol instructs for seven days.

The next step is the Water only fast, after much back and forth, I decided to put down a deposit on the water-only fasting facility in CA. I plan to fast for 14-21 days, The actual day count will depend on weather or not Doctors will permit me to do a 21 day water fast.

My current question is, my water fast will start June 5th, should I start the whole supplement protocol now, and stop for four weeks when doing the water fast, then continue again?

I already incorporated a Paleo diet, Gym daily, partial cold showers, HIIT, weight lifting, cleaning up Xenoestrogens, NoFap, and Penile pumping.

Also, am I missing anything else, that I should be incorporating now, the only thing I have not started are the supplements from my understanding.
You realize that you can either fast OR feast, correct? You don't have to do both.