Quote Originally Posted by Lakehouse99 View Post
i realize most of you guys will shave, but has anyone had any success with RU and Minoxi? RU is supposed to be weaker than fin, and I barely got any sides from fin- which i took for 3 years, except for very little brain fog. it was the dutasteride, which is fin on steroids, that messed me up, which im getting better from after a few weeks of discontinuation.

im thinking i would be a good responder to RU and Minoxi.

dawg i'm on here cuz i got pfs from RU58841 LOL used it just once topically at 50mg and still got sides a year later.

minox is antiandrogen too indirectly checkout hackstasis they posted studies on it and it also causes skin ages. (i didnt have noticible probz with it tho and used for 1.5 years.