You're right. I would have to try it to be sure. But for now I'm shelving the R-andro and I'm going to get into great physical condition before trying the pro hormones. And when I do I will be trying the androhard + KCl. I feel as though the epi isomer in combination with the andro is really what works for me. In fact, it worked wonders after my first cycle with androhard if you look at those earlier posts from last year. But the fatigue after four weeks was too much. Couldn't even run up a hill. It's nice to have at least one data point (Maxout's anecdote) so far. Hopefully more data will be forthcoming...

Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
Well, there would only be one way to find out, and that would be to take it. Some coconut water and 500-700 mg of KCL are two different things. And what your feeling isn't suppression after only 14 days on such a weak prohormone.

Maxout added it to his cycle when it was making him feel the same way your feeling the first time he ran the androhard transdermal. This time, with the KCL, and he says he feels fantastic.

Next time I run this stuff, I'm going to add it in for sure. I will of course, share my results with the forum.
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Can't anyone convince the people who used to work at Primordial to resurrect the original androhard? I am dying to know what that was like.