Quote Originally Posted by bizzbee View Post
Read my thread on using androhard.
Bizbee i did read your thread. It is my understanding you had to stop somewhat because of the side effects. I will say a year or so ago i had the same issues with a couple of cycles. Things went great, then had some upswings and downswings week two followed by the headaches and blood pressure increase.

This time around i've definitely added alot more in terms of support sups. Natures way celery seed extract is so clutch, lowers BP very nicely for me. Also use hawthorn berries and sometimes take co enzyme q10 for BP. Also take fish oil daily. I workout 4-5 times a week and do mix in sprints, but i also do alot of walking at my job so i'm sure that helps as well. All i know is this cycle has been my best yet.