Quote Originally Posted by zardoz View Post

Hey dudes, it's been a while.

When I first got PFS I lost a crazy amount of muscle mass all over my body, I didn't even realise how bad it was until I looked at some old pictures. Now, I can honestly say I'm now the most muscular I've been in my life. Even bigger than pre-PFS. Nowhere near as tank as some of the guys on this page, but for someone who looked like they'd been holidaying in fucking Auschwitz, it's a huge step forward. It's harder to put on mass than it was, harder to retain as well, but it's doable. And I WILL be a fucking gorilla juice headed tank.

I still haven't done an Andro run, to be honest, I'm still not ready to lose my hair. I know that's crazy but fuck it, it is what it is.

Slight improvement in all other areas but nothing worth going crazy about yet. I'm definitely a lot calmer these days though, hence me not posting here lately.
I probably won't post for another couple of months after this as I don't want to get stuck obsessing over this again.

Anyway, I wanted to swing by and clarify for any lurkers/newbies who have doubts about the protocol because of some of my negative ass posts. Just do it. For the first time in a long time, I've got goals, I don't feel like shit, and on a good day I'm pretty optimistic. Stop questioning this shit, stop looking for reasons to fail and commit to this.

Thanks CD and all the other guys who have chipped in with advice on this thread. You've helped me out more than you know.

I actually haven't noticed much hair loss on andro... though my hair line is slightly receded wonder if I even had mpb at all :/