Quote Originally Posted by CSM25 View Post
This is an old post. BUT if you can avoid it please stay off of most those drugs. Carba is less dangerous than most the ones listed, gabapentin as well.
Seroquel lowers I.Q., during testing while on it.

I've tried seroquel (as a kid, 21 or so for a few weeks) and also Trileptal (2 days) and Lamictal (89 days, then got on FIN because of the hair loss).
Carba kind of makes sense for me, but is likely as harsh or harsher than Lamictal. Both are number 1 causes of Emergency Room incidents of SJS.
Gabapentin has high reviews. I don't have Schz, but I can see there are differences in treatment of that and also what I have.

The thing is, a lot of these meds are "chemical straight jackets", rather than "mood stabilizers". I know a kid who has Epilepsy, Bipolar (I or II I can't really tell), and ADHD. All he takes now is Medical Marijuana. It did help me at times, but I did hate it as a kid. I like it now, only a few hours before sleep, and tiny doses, like 2.4mg total cannabinoids.

And the more CBD the better, heavy indicas for someone with a racing mind. Also, Girl Scout Cookies. But I am not recommending this. When I didn't know what was up with me, I actually did smoke mj while on Effexor (horrible combination for sure, especially for bipolar or schizophrenia). Just putting this out there.
That kid, is very lucky as it stops his seizures, mood shifts, and supposedly helps his ADHD enough to keep his job and responsibilities in check.

I was recommended Latuda or Saphris, and first Lamictal (in recent years). I have no intention of trying the first two. Though Latuda does show strong evidence (somewhat spurious though) for helping depression. These are serious drugs, which I am sure you know.

Microdosing Alpha-GPC, Lithium Orotate (Aspartate is stimulating and does make me worse I think), as well as Citocoline does help me and some others. A study indicated for Bipolar, addiction treatment with Citocoline was a powerful intervention, I think in 84% of people in that limited study.

I linked some studies on H/S Hackstasis, regarding this. Lithium Orotate was found to help many with ADHD, Bipolar II, and OCD. Schizophrenia? I am not sure.

I hope you're well. Keep in mind some meds will not hurt the healing process for some of us, when used in excellent physical and mental condition. When used during the onset of PFS, or during the worst crashing phases, probably everything like that can be riskier/harmful. I think for me, I will try Wellbutrin (a DRNI) + Dexedrine (D2-agonist, more selective for Dopamine than Adderall is). But, that's for BPII/ADHD. Good luck, and all the best. Sorry if this is all old info.

I am not recommending WB nor Dex, just mentioning it as something I personally will try. I am highly confident that DRNI's do not cause post-drug disorders, but can mess with dopamine/regulation. Other DRNI stimulants never messed me up in regards to PFS, nor PSSD, nor anything really (minus addiction). YMMV like anyone's. I don't know enough about Schitzophrenia/schitoaffective. But it could be possible, some symptoms (or many) are from Fin, for certain patients.

One more thing: I don't think anything beats fasting for quick, effective gains. And keto and IF / ADF can help some psyche patients, but those on psyche forums would think I'm crazy for suggesting it. But if something works without causing harm, it's worth a try.
this stuff is becoming an issue for me as well. My musical hallucinations are not improving and it's been a year, it's driving me insane. My family doctor says it's schizophrenia symptoms but I really don't think that's the case. I see my psych in a few weeks, I'm willing to try pregabalin or possibly carbamazepine. Gotta get on with my life already