As far as the weight loss i definitely felt better after dropping a couple of pounds. I'm not sure if its helping me feel the effects of the following.

So more recently (about 7-10 days ago) i started a PCT. i remember in CD's protocol after the DHT pro hormone cycles he would do a PCT with the Testosterone recovery stack, and then rotate the test boosters. I've done both the dht and rotating the test boosters, but never really committed to doing a full 4-6 week PCT.

Fort the PCT i have

Sustain Alpha - Transdermal includes 7,8 benzoflavine and resveratrol (similar to the res100 cd used)
D aspartic Acid
Black Iron Labs Rebirth - Supposed to be an OTC pct with e cottoni which is allegedly a natural serm.

Been feeling pretty good on this, definitely have lost some water weight which is always a positive sign. Going to stick it out for at least 6 weeks and re evaluate.