Quote Originally Posted by jacknap View Post
the totalmaleoptimization recommended herbs are good for pct on r-andro cycles

bounced back just fine on 4 cycles so far. read that website front to back and also on here the users cdnuts, maxout, english, and entropy who fully recovered for more specific questions as most questions have already been answered and you'll see what I mean when you're closer to recovery that a lot of dudes want to be spoon fed lol.
Thanks for that fella - yes still feeling my way through it here, but thought nolva would just be such an obvious PCT (I mean, it's the "go to" ofc.)

Have trib, ashwa, tongkat, pine pollen arrived so far - been cycling those since the water fast. Got a few more coming. Also shedloads of nolva anyway from a while back, might try and manage gyno with aspirin even (should it manifest)

Thanks again, not entirely sure I'll be ready for the cycle this side of February but working up to it.