Quote Originally Posted by SS7 View Post
This probably makes more sense to update weekly-ish, seeing as I've noticed the changeable nature of our struggle means day-to-day things can vary from (dare I say it) great to awful.

So, week 3 of Andro cycle #1 concludes today. Yesterday was a good day. So much so that if I'd had my erections and libido back I could have said I'm cured. Seriously and honestly. I awoke from a restful ten hours asleep (yes really) and got a very acceptable workout in. A VERY successful pumping session followed, Hydromax and I are working through our difficulties and all seemed to be good - trimming right down helps it seal, and the toggle switch element to the seal at the top seems to be more compliant at this point.

Today however was the polar opposite. I awoke from a fitful sleep to a very insistent malaise and a borderline despair-style lethargy - still though superior to the worst days following the crash late last year. I battled through it and got up and got the day underway. I've not eaten close to enough calories yet either, and probably have to admit I won't in the end.

Progress has been made, on the whole, and the protocol is just about starting to equip me with the metaphorical big stick I need to beat this back. HIIT later on tonight, I'm going to hit that HARD and ANGRY despite having absolutely nothing in the tank today. Dreading work tomorrow too for some reason. I'm just trusting myself to the veterans' stories of ups and downs on cycle and keeping battling this. There was a real upswing during the middle of the week, and I read that usually week 3 is where the magic happens, so I will keep that in mind and persist. Nocturnals for some reason just aren't happening again, or if they are I'm sleeping through them. No real morning wood in a while.

I did ejaculate last week during a mutual sexting session with a girl who knows my situation. I'm not entirely sure that's beneficial in my position, but it definitely happened and I felt good for it at least.

Irritatingly enough I didn't get to a meditation session I had planned with a friend of mine. I'm certainly struggling with making the most of that too, but the breathing exercises get done and the meditation I plod through, which is most certainly the wrong attitude; I effectively just sit there with binaural music on for ten minutes trying to find a spot of light behind my eyes which isn't there, just a stuffy PFS feeling.

I would definitely like to run another 7-day fast and 7-day juice feast I think, as that brought on the quickest results early on in recovery which "stuck". I'm not quite sure where I'll fit that in - would it be sensible to do it straight after my Andro run,? Or wait a week or more on the herbs? Or keep the herbs up during it even? Or just wait 8 weeks or so following the Andro run, fast/feast, build up for a month and then Andro run #2? Any suggestions or ideas on that one do let me know.

Ignoring today and in general terms I'm improving and that's at least something. So for that lads, have some random good points:

- My Lost Empire delivery arrived a little while back, and I couldn't resist sampling a little black Maca. Goodness me that stuff is DELICIOUS!
- Also MAD delicious is chlorella with grapefruit juice.
- Cold showers DO get easier, very very slowly but they do. I have found shouting and swearing helps me.
- There is a certain satisfaction in knowing you're doing or working towards doing all you can be doing.

Take care out there everyone, keep battling, we'll all beat this in the end! Yesterday was good, and I'll have to focus on that. Seriously, fuck today.
nice bro! yes that's the best when you get your libido back and sleep back. even though it goes away in down swings you see that your body can still be normal so recovery becomes way more believable. I've had ALL my functions pretty much back to normal during my recovery and go away so now I'm very confident ito's around the corner.