Hey guys,

Not my usual type of post as no updates or advice needed. Just wanted to share something I found today.

I think with PFS you get in this mindset of "Shit, I took it all for granted before this. I'll appreciate everything when it's back." but as you're on the road to getting there you can get demotivated and miserable about how far away it all seems and how hard it can get, not realising that you're STILL taking life for granted.

Today I saw this: Smiles Taylor on Instagram: “200lb deadlift at 99lb!! More than double me bodyweight!!! HECK YEAH! A huge thank you to my coach @uncle.nic for alway being by my side…” (CD I hope external links are cool, brah)

If you can't be arsed watching it, it's a clip of a kid with cerebral palsy deadlifting 200lb at 99lb. The fucking balls on this kid, man. You think of how much that bullshit disease must limit him, and how nobody would blame him for being miserable and throwing in the towel. But nah, he sucked it up and started lifting.

There's a lot of shit I can do that that kid can't, and seeing that made me realise that even now I'm STILL taking life for granted. I can sprint, I can lift big, I get a kick out of cold showers, I can eat a fat steak, and I can go anywhere I want all on my own. What a lucky cunt I am.

Anyway, I'm rambling a bit. I'm just pretty inspired by that kids tenacity to take on his situation like a boss, and I wanted to write this down so I wouldn't forget it.

Thanks guys