Quote Originally Posted by joelander View Post
Hey guys, wanted to ask I have now been on the third week in the gym and I am getting these dizzy spells....I am on the herb rotation also. its frustrating cause I want to lift heavier and can feel I can but my heart races too strongly then gets crazy sweats....like my whole system is over heating...and I get these dizzy feelings like wanna faint?

very disappointed as mentally I am ready to go hard in the gym but when I do my body now is going into panic mode? any help please I really want to get this program into full force.

The only thing I can think of is maybe having a big breakfast before I train? (I am currently working out on just having a coffee)....maybe my body is going too much into starvation mode and I am trying to lift heavy and its back firing?
What was your fitness level before starting the program? Did you work out prior to PFS?