Quote Originally Posted by jacknap View Post
I have to probably take a month off all supplements / phenibut but I'd say given like the past 2-3 weeks I'm basically recovered.

95-110% oscillation. A little under a year since crashing (crashed June 2). Will wait it out a bit before I make a recovery post. I have some relatively benign things that linger. For example I still have like one morning wake that I didn't used to have before but I quickly fall back asleep and sometimes my dick feels a bit numb (but I think I might just be overly paying attention to the way my dick feels lol)

really happy and I feel like I came back from the dead. thanks for everyone for helping me on my journy. namely cdnuts and maxout. read everything these guys have to say and just stay on the path.

I questioned recovery but I just did what I had to do cuz the time will pass anyways. read everything and maxout posted on here 2-3 times and don't expect to be spoon fed and be lazy because the truth is no one cares about you as much as you do so be your own best friend and do it up.

I go to sex clubs and I'm one of the top 3-5 guys in terms of sex drive there. Shit works to take you to recovery and beyond. In ways i'm actually thankful I crashed. Learned about cool things, learned about who was truly my friend, learned about how my parents are, makes me grateful for my life even more everyday. Learned about how fucked the medical system is. Just made me an overall more bad ass person. And hell didn't really damage me too much because I'm 28 and people still think I look early 20s.

I have an open relationship with a 10/10 Russian 18 year old and I make her cum silly. She thought I was 21 when we first met. Life is good. Thank you so much cd. Consider this kinda an informal recovery post. If I end up going to Greece this summer will probably take a month off of herbs etc. so will be able to make a true recovery post.

Ricardo has me on facebook and sees how I'm having a great time in life haha.
Great post.

And you're very welcome my friend.

Just keep slayin em.....lol