Quote Originally Posted by DKnighten View Post
For carb backloading, what are your carb sources of choice? Do I just implement the carbs which don't contain gluten, like oatmeal, sweet potatoes, bananas, yams, etc? It didn't specifically say on the site, and I understand that potatoes are largely considerend non-Paleo. Just wanted to be sure about this. Thanks.
Potatoes are only considered non-paleo due to the technicality that they were not widely eaten by Neolithic people, but they are generally considered a suitable food for those on a paleo diet as they’re nutrient dense and lack the anti-nutrients that put paleo-dieters off of many other carbohydrate sources. The only potential issue is that they’re a nightshade, but so are many other fruits and vegetables that fall under the paleo umbrella.

Oatmeal, on the other hand, as a grain, is not considered paleo.