Quote Originally Posted by basementdweller View Post
I spoke to you earlier. My story is much like yours until around 5-6 months in. I didn't believe recovery was possible at that point, did I mention that I was in the psych ward and was too weak to stand? Every second was a living hell, but changes can happen very suddenly. Just keep going and trust that it gets better. I've read plenty of stories from others who saw little improvement up until a year or so, then bam! life is worth living again. It doesn't sound like you're ready to lift weights yet though, I'd listen to your body on that one.
I'm glad to hear you're doing much better. Excellent. I don't know why I've been having so much trouble committing to this thing and just doing it. I guess after reading so many bad things and reactions off that forum, I've become paralyzed by fear almost, meanwhile I am just getting worse. I've just gotta do it. You said your story was similar, did you experience fundamental changes to your body? I'm gonna try to lookup your older posts.