Quote Originally Posted by alphacfi View Post
Quick update: I had been plateau'd at 85% there for a few weeks before having a nice downswing that lasted about a week with symptoms returning I hadn't felt since March. As discouraging as this was it just made me work out harder and stick to the protocol even more vigilantly (if that's even possible). Now for the past week I have felt at a good 95%. I youtubed Wim Hof breathing and realized I had been doing that shit totally wrong. Now that I am doing it right... MAN that is awesome! That definitely redefines getting high on your own supply (as he says in the video). I have 2 weeks left on my current cycle of herbs before I will assess whether or not I want to try an andro cycle.

I emailed SoCal and they said they only have R-Andro bottles from 2016. I have the androhard muscle gel already. Any opinions on which one of these I should go with?
You're bouncing around like that already? Mate you're almost there.
I'd go with the systematic dht rather than the topical dht because you want to flood it your blood with dht and get those 5ar enzymes regenerating, it doesn't make sense on paper but for some reason 5ar seems to respond to a huge jolt of dht. I think cdnuts and Eric came to this conclusion when cd was stuck in the hole but cd should clarify that part.