Quote Originally Posted by NotGud View Post
So I looked over the protocol and I gotta say... It's a bit intense but I think it's manageable... If I wasn't so fucking broke lol can someone please help me figure out the cheapest course of action and find out what supplements to prioritize over others? Thanks in advanced... I'm not good at being healthy hah
I think living a life as a shell of a man is way more intense then anything on this website. But then again, that's me, my mindset. Everyone has a different one. That's what makes the world go around. That's also why many men fail at this. Some guys just can't hack it....bottom line. Like anything else in life really.

Also like other things in life, you get back what you put in. I'm sure if you talked to many of the guys that started this, in the beginning it was overwhelming. But once they recover, they will ALL tell you it was more then worth the struggle. You see, while this is a way out for PFS sufferers, the website is going to be marketed to guys who want to be more then mediocre....normal. This is for the guys that want to be better then that. The guys that want to have a leg up on life. Guys who want to fully embrace their manhood and all of the things that encompasses.

So if you don't have that mindset, or being average is keeping you content, then this may not be for you. Because when done right, when you come out the other side, you are more then most men who spend their lives walking around in a comfortable, but slightly discontented state.

Either way it's up to you.