Quote Originally Posted by Yus View Post
Got my bodyfat at 7% with a pretty high accuracy 1.5 years ago, did the test again and averaged between 3.5-4.5%

My packs are bulging out like my veins, and i'm currently 69kg, gained 5.5kg since my crash standing at 185...

I'm not complaining but i already had had a very slim face and chiselled cheekbones, but my skin started to sag out so it looks like i've aged 1-2 years during a short amount of time, not to mention my cheekbones losing it's jag.

First world war problems, i know. I don't mind it, just writin' down a few stats.
"Cheekbones losing its jag"
Do you mean losing their definition?
Also your skin is sagging?
Do you have bone pain or bone tenderness when pressing or squeezing the bone?