Hey guys,

I'm new here, was on Finasteride for 2 years with no sides, then switched to Dutasteride for a month, got sides, came off and got PFS (fuck). Symptoms aren't too bad compared to some of the stories I've seen. Mainly just insomnia (started off not able to sleep at all, now able to sleep 6-7 hours a night but wake up several times throughout), low libido, low energy, and digestive issues/constipation. Also have seen some penile changes such as more veins, etc.

Hoping to recover by following this protocol. I'm not sure if this protocol is legit yet, despite all of the recovery stories (was on Propecia help for a while before coming here, where a lot of people were skeptical of the protocol), but I'm going to trust in the process 100% because I have no other options.

So far have been following a Paleo diet (mostly meat, vegetables, and fruit), hitting the gym 3x/week, and preparing to start my first juice cleanse! Let's go!!