Yea it was completely goner for a full month. Wouldn't even notice if u'd cut it off, errections reached like 25% absolute max(even morning wood couldn't fill it out in the slightest).
I did some stuff u can see in my post to fix it. Then had for weeks WAAY too strong libido, errections almost painful and morning wood every single morning even tho I fapped 2x a day minimum xD.
Now it's again downswing, again numbness and harder to get errect, again dickpain feels like clogged dikk.
But this time my "weak erections" reach like 80%(harder to attain tho^^) and libido is like 25%. While during that month there it went to 0-5%. I mean I was anesthetized fully xd
So I'm pretty chill about it now XD
Will do another 5day waterfast next week and keep pushin^^ my diet is getting better and better and sleep is slowly getting better too. Had now like 5 nights without waking up during the night, prob 1st time like that since initial crash