Quote Originally Posted by slader1 View Post
I asked about that, and I was told that was a mistake made by the producer. Apparently it has never contained the 4-dhea, that was supposed to be the ingredients for a new product.

This is part of the email interaction I had with preston, the musclegelz sales rep.


Okay thanks. And just to clarify- androhard contains no 4-andro or 4-dhea in it?

That is important because 4-dhea is known to aromatize.

Slade R"

"That’s correct no 4 Andro, I swear. We thought about adding it in and our web developer went ahead and added it in there and we didn’t even know it!

We are going to do a separate 4 Andro 1 Andro product mix called Gear in the future.

Hope this helps resolve all the confusion

Let me know if you have any more questions.


Preston "
Thanks for that man. Was considering contacting the company myself, but this explains a lot.