Quote Originally Posted by Bankai9000 View Post
Yaaa so here it is.
First week in Spain was fkin dopee, the views, the people and their lifestyle is just to admire. The chill these people have is beyond imagination in countries where I live xD.
Then I got hit with the flu/cold. SUPER FKIN HARD.

First night my brain shutoff and I barely remember anything, vivid lucid pictures laying in my bed for 2days without even watching 10min on youtube or so cuz I was so exhausted.
Then 9 days of high fever 38,8celcius, severe strep throat, then bronchitis. Slept during the whole thing maybe 2-3h a night. Couldn't lay down cuz any pressure on my corpus made me unable to breathe lol. Yesterday and today I finally hit like 4-6h, but still waking up every hour and coughing the life out of myself. Drenched in sweat aswell every night still.., temperature finally fell yesterday and now I hover at 35,9-36,4.
Feels damn good that I beat it without any antibiotics(at 7/8th day I wasn't so sure anymore LOL), so now I'm refeeding on fresh made bone broths and veggies and good food. Hope that in 2-3days I can finally sleep again and slowly get actually better in all aspects
I just got hit with the cold/flu as well, took about 10 days off the gym and relaxed. Feeling better now, I didn’t take any meds or antibiotics either so headaches were fun. It was odd, when I was sick it was like every single symptom came back to haunt me and I was miserable, I rode it out and now I’m feeling great, also feels like I’m in an upswing now. Hopefully it was a good sign.