Quote Originally Posted by Turnover25 View Post
So little update and some questions, jumped on the herbs finally, I have about 20 of them. I'm still trying to figure out correct doses since some seem to affect me worse than others, but all in all I'm enjoying them and like the extra kick they give me. I've been crushing the gym lately and immediately came crashing down like a brick. The herbs give me a good aggressive feeling and finally make me want to go lift again like I used to, I might have went a bit overboard today by doing 4 sets of 8, 225 pound deadlifts and then same with squats (I'm thinking I'm pushing myself way too hard since I'm only 145 pounds) but I love lifting and it's frustrating that when I lift and sprint the way I want, my condition deteriorates. Later on during the day I couldn't even remember my own name and almost had to leave class due to having a panic attack and my brain fog was so intense. Really frustrating and confusing since I was doing so well.

Anyone know why pushing myself may be making me so much worse? Wondering if it's something with my endocrine system or whatever. I'm honestly so confused with all these medical terms that when shit comes up its hard to fix since I'm basically in the dark, or I would be without you guys. Regarding these issues, should I be avoiding coffee? I drink about 100 mg in the morning to start my day. I'm thinking as I continue the herbs my body is going to build itself up stronger to the point where I can handle these intense workouts, so I may have to tone it down a bit until then and build up slowly. I don't see this problem with many of the other guys here so it can be frustrating wondering whats going on with me.

Alright thanks guys. Slight speed bump but I'll get it figured out.
Deadlifts and Squats on same session lifting heavy for 4 sets, of course you're going to wipe yourself out. Without pfs you'd be on the road to overtraining doing that. Two major compound lifts that target the same muscle areas of your body, is overload

Split them up or rotate the times you do them. Deadlifts is legs, lower back,traps and core, squats is core and legs. You don't need to do them together in the same session, it's actually counter productive in your case.

If you want to go all out, less is more, otherwise you will push your body into a catabolic stress response.

In such a weakened state, 1-2 sets going to failure is enough. You can still do 4 sets but don't go all out on all 4. You will still build muscle and strength this way, only your ego will suffer a little bit