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  1. #1
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    especially if you're in the early phases, stay the hell off that site man. there's a lot of hysteria, people saying shit like that pfs is uncurable, people trying and failing at cures. its no good.

    i would honestly say that you'll have a hard time finding a better resource for pfs than this forum. things are laid out, and there's a substantial community and culture of support. swole source has the good guys B)

  2. #2
    Established Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by dogglaw View Post
    especially if you're in the early phases, stay the hell off that site man. there's a lot of hysteria, people saying shit like that pfs is uncurable, people trying and failing at cures. its no good.

    i would honestly say that you'll have a hard time finding a better resource for pfs than this forum. things are laid out, and there's a substantial community and culture of support. swole source has the good guys B)
    100% agree. I agree PropeciaHelp has good intentions, but it gets overshadowed with guys constantly measuring dicks about who's life is more fucked. There are a few really good threads that are helpful, but it's nothing that isn't already on the TMO protocol.

  3. #3
    Established Member Feedback Score 0
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    I’m not even sure if Propecia”Help” has good intentions. It’s a bunch of mostly suicidal guys who are wallowing in their suffering. They argue over who has worse symptoms, compare symptoms, complain about Merck, etc. Some of them have been at it for 10+ years posting the same stuff. Most of them will still be posting there in 20 or 30 years, which is pretty sad.

    I think some of them, deep down, do not want to get better.

    Having PFS makes them victims, which means they do not feel responsible for not trying. They allow themselves to quit their jobs and move in with their parents, not work out, and just play video games or watch TV while claiming that their brain fog is now too severe to do anything else.

    They insist that anyone who managed to recover is a fraud and/or never had PFS. They’re waiting for a company to invent a cure, or they’re donating to a foundation that will never find a cure. They don’t trust CD even though he posted for YEARS trying everything under the sun - and then when he found something that worked, they all turned on him instead of actually trying to get better.

    PropeciaHelp is not a good resource, I would avoid it entirely.

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