12/18 update:

Technique: Learned a takedown today, that worked into either an ezekial choke or an armbar.

1st round-
Went against a really strong purple belt 1st round. Tried working a sweep ( close but no ), then tried passing guard. He eventually swept me, locked up an armbar to which I defended. Took about a minute ( seemed like a long time ), but eventually freed myself. He then got my back and I locked up an arm to defend. Time ran out.
2nd round-
Worked with a white belt who, by his own admission, "Sat on a couch for 6 years and gained 70lbs.". So we just worked technique we learned earlier. Big dude btw.
3rd round-
Another white belt, but substantially smaller than me. He got a nice lapel choke on me, I got a kimura and a bow and arrow choke on him.

Did some monkey bar swings back and forth. I got video of it on my phone, but no pullups. My biceps were fried by then, but I will get a video of me doing them. I need to figure out how to post videos from my droid4 to here.

After jits, went into the wet sauna for almost 5 minutes, then off to the dry suana for a couple minutes. The wet sauna I feel is detoxifying my body. My skin is getting clearer, especially the back. I hope my lungs start to clear out too.

Lately at work I have been wearing my weight vest, 25lbs. I do stairs and some pull ups - I can only get 1 and 1/2 pullups with the vest. The vest is capable of going up to 50lbs. As I drop 10lbs of bodyweight, I will keep adding weight to the vest and simulate my old bodyweight as long as possible.