Quote Originally Posted by Maxout777 View Post
What scale/range is that on, and what unit is the 66? So many different ranges out there without that information I can barely tell if it's super low or just low.

Other than that, you stated you did a "recent fast" - how recent? This can fuck with blood tests. Additionally, don't take ashwaganda everyday. It's not intended to be done this way.
standard american scale, doc said normal range is 300 - 1000. something has to be up. putting a bunch of stress on myself definitely had to have contributed something, but thats such a strange number. got retested today with other hormones included. i know this place isn't about symptom management, but rather holistically healing your body, but if the test shows that low again i can't say it wouldn't be really concerning. we'll see. i've stopped taking ashwagandha everyday, and my current supplementary protocol is this:

pine pollen 2 full spoons
protocol herb
200 mg caffeine on class days
l tyrosine
l theanine
vitamin d

i'm also still paleo, still cold showers, meditating, and hitting the gym when i feel up to it. also, i did a 5 day water fast 2-3 weeks ago if that means anything for bloods. what do you think?

small thing - i recall reading your thread and you saying that you took l glutamine for gut health. how much of a help is it? i just want to make sure i'm being thorough in taking care of my body.